At a glance - Facts and Figures
Here a compacted overview of surface area, equipment, fleet and (members of staff), employees. Further details of our portfolio can be found in the specific offer or get yourself the “right impression” and click through our virtual circuit of our logistic terminal.
Spedition Nuber our logistic terminal
- 18.500 qm plot size with an excellent connection to the Autobahn
- 66.000 qm warehouse area thereof:
- 800 qm cargo handling area
- 5.200 qm storage space
- 1350 qm which are WHG - licenced and fire water retaining basin
- Further 3500 qm storage space held on a long-term lease with a second railway siding for logistic management
The infrastructure
- Roofed railway siding with direct entrance to the storage area
- Additional unloading siding
- 6,3 to. Crane runway (also services the siding)
- fire alarm system with a simultaneous alarm at the fire department
- approx. 2500 storage space in our high-bay warehouse
- WHG coated floors
- Heated warehouse
Our fleet
- 8 tractor units
- 16 semi-trailers
- All trucks are equipped with ADR
- Our trailers are all suitable for paper transport
- We are certified for waste transport under TgV
Our Employees
- We occupy 36 employees thereof:
- 18 office workers
- 16 industrial workers being drivers and warhousemen
- 2 apprentice
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